Monday, April 16, 2012

The Common Cold

The Common Cold Optimum Health and Fitness Please listen to me. This is very important to your Health and Fitness. The Flu  is not just a cloud that comes over us and we get sick. It is around us 24/7 and there are three factors that lower your immune system and make you susceptible to getting sick. 1. STRESS. Mental stress of a demanding job, deadlines, bosses, etc... Physical stress. Training like your on the biggest Loser, or two a days at Crossfit and just pounding yourself into the ground to failure with every workout, cutting weight, etc.... 2. POOR DIET. Not only eating processed crappy foods with little nutritional values, but also not eating enough. When you sweat, you are sweating out the essential vitamins and Minerals mandatory for your recovery. Eating food and drinking water will not replace this soup of minerals you are sweating out, thus your recovery will be hindered. 3. LACK OF SLEEP. You have to get your 6 to 8 every night. Train smarter not Harder. Eat for Strength, Sleep for Speed. Good Luck, John Lober

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